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fort mccoy hunting map

Fort Mccoy Hunting Map - GREEN BAY, Wis. (WBAY) - Starting tomorrow, deer hunters across the state will have the opportunity to share their input on the proposed framework for next fall's 2022 hunting season.

It's part of a County Deer Advisory Council process that began in Wisconsin in 2014 to include a more citizen science-based approach. But the lack of public input in recent years may be a sign that most hunters are satisfied with the state's current deer management.

Fort Mccoy Hunting Map

Fort Mccoy Hunting Map

County deer advisory boards have spent the last few weeks using data from last year's deer hunt to propose harvest goals for this year.

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April 9 to 15 Hunters can participate in an online questionnaire to share opinions about proposals in the county they hunt.

"That's the challenging part because there's less participation when there's nothing really controversial on the table. We tend to be among about 4,000 deer hunters across the state, and that's just a small fraction of the total of over 600,000 deer hunters," said Jeff Pritzl, DNR deer program specialist.

Pritzl said most CDACs are making the same recommendations this year as last year, with a few exceptions.

"There are also a number of counties that seem to stabilize as it approaches. Some advantages to it; Especially if we see these variables like epidemics or other problems. If we change the parameters every year. This makes the year to year comparisons even more difficult," explains Pritzl.

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CDACs now play a key role in state deer management, and Pritzl believes a focus on efficiency is needed for the more than 500 volunteer CDAC members.

"We need to improve some processes to get to where we want to be, recognizing the prominence of deer in Wisconsin as quickly and efficiently as possible," Pritzl said. Hundreds of hunters came in and harvested just over 300 deer from Fort McCoy and the forest in 2021, said Wildlife Program Manager and Biologist Kevin Luepke of the Public Works Environmental Division Natural Resources Branch.

Luepke said the 2021 harvest will be similar to previous years, and the 2022 harvest will be similar at about 300-350 deer.

Fort Mccoy Hunting Map

"From our surveys conducted throughout the summer, through active survey programs, either by field staff or through spotlight and twilight surveys, we have determined that the population is approximately 20-25 deer per square kilometer."

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For the 2022 pistol deer hunt, Luepke said the deer data collection area will return to South Post, the same location on Highway 21 as in previous years. Biological data is collected, a sample for chronic wasting disease (CWD) is provided, and a litter box is provided to dispose of the carcass. Collected CWD samples are sent to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and he encourages all successful hunters to test their deer.

"Biological data collected at the station is critical to assessing herd health and estimating established deer populations," Luepke said. Lymph nodes are collected for diagnosis of chronic wasting disease.

Luepke said a total of 1,800 firearm deer permits and 1,200 hunter optional permits were received, but no additional medals were available for this season.

Participate in the gun deer hunt at the installation; Hunters visit the Fort McCoy iSportsman site; Hunters must apply for a Fort McCoy firearms range permit through and, if selected, must also purchase their permit through iSportsman. , said Luepke. Applications for firearms deer hunting generally become available in late June each year, and this year's application period has closed. There is still a limited number of permits available on a first-come, first-served basis, and anyone interested should contact the Permit Sales Office for more information.

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In addition, hunters must obtain an annual Wisconsin firearms deer license. Wisconsin licenses are sold through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) GoWild system at or a designated WDNR GoWild agent.

The cost of a Fort McCoy gun range permit is $21, and a Wisconsin gun range license for an adult resident is $24. Wisconsin first-time permit buyers; Minors; Some discounts are offered for firearms range or combination permits by category, such as for Purple Heart recipients. See the Go Wild system for more details.

Fort McCoy hunters are not required to register their harvested deer with WDNR, but they must register their harvested deer through the iSportsman check-out process, Luepke said.

Fort Mccoy Hunting Map

Fort McCoy's deer population should continue to bring in bigger bucks for hunters, Luepke said.

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"There is a huge market that calls Fort McCoy home," Luepke said. "And you may be one of the lucky hunters that someone mentions; they run out there. Like I said, Keeping a herd of 20 to 25 deer per square mile keeps our population healthy, and healthy deer produce some of the strongest antlers, which our hunters always seem to be chasing. nowadays."

Hunters must remember that Fort McCoy requires that all privately owned firearms brought onto the installation be registered through the Emergency Services Directorate of Security. Includes all federal land, including training and residential areas.

Luepke reminded hunters to review Fort McCoy hunting regulations, as changes have been made in previous years. Information about deer hunting regulations at Fort McCoy can be found on the iSportsman website at

"In terms of deer hunting safety, remember what you learned in hunter safety," Luepke said. "Treat every gun as if it were loaded. Always point your gun in a safe direction. Be sure of your target and what's in front and behind. Keep your finger off the trigger guard until you're ready to fire. Be safe and ethical."

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Learn more about deer hunting at Fort McCoy by visiting the iSportsman page at Learn more about Fort McCoy at in the Defense Visual Information Distribution System on Facebook at https:///fmpao by searching for “ftmccoy” and “usagmccoy” on Twitter. "

Download the Digital Garrison app on your smartphone and set it as "Fort McCoy" or whatever base you want.MADISON, Wis. () - Wisconsin state wildlife officials have announced the closure of all six zones for wolf harvesting. February 2021 season.

Late Wednesday Zone 2 of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; 5 and 6 were closed at 10 a.m. Zone 1, 3 and 4 were closed at 3 p.m.

Fort Mccoy Hunting Map

The season opened Monday with a Natural Resources Board harvest quota of 200 wolves outside the reservation. The quota was set at the February 15 meeting.

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Of the approved quotas, 119 wolves were assigned to the state and 81 wolves were assigned to the Ojibwe tribes after declaration of treaty rights in the Ceded Territory.

During the closed season, wolf hunting in cages and zones totals more than $300, according to the DNR.

Below are wolf harvest numbers provided by the DNR as of 4 p.m. Wednesday. Officials said numbers still fluctuate because hunters take up to 24 hours to feed.

As previously reported on Action 2 News; The Trump administration removed wolves from the federal endangered species list in January, returning management to the states.

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The Department of Natural Resources had planned to open the season in November, but Hunter Nation, a Kansas-based hunting advocacy group, won a court order to force the DNR to open the season this month. If you are stationed at Fort McCoy and enjoy hunting; or Fish Stay tuned to learn all about the Fort McCoy iSportsman Portal. iSportsman is the official source for all things outdoors, and it makes activities like hunting and fishing easier.

ISportsman Fort McCoy hunting and fishing permit; Allowance for recovery; recreation regulations; Maps, your one-stop shop for basic resort news and more. Almost every military installation across the country has an iSportsman portal. Read on to learn how you can use Fort McCoy's to make any vacation easier.

If you are a hunter, If the fisherman or trapper is a hobbyist. You should know that the rules for military installations are not always the same. That is the first reason why you should create an account with Fort McCoy iSportsman. So, to keep up with the latest guidelines and regulations for your base, Everything in one convenient place.

Fort Mccoy Hunting Map

Click on "Rules" on the navigation bar to check the rules for your chosen leisure activity. This will take you to a page dedicated to Fort McCoy.

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